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Italy 2018
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange
Travel report
Is this trip right for you?
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Travel report
Italy, 2018
by Scott Wilson

In October 2018, 40 cyclists rode 400 miles from Venice to Pisa, enjoying fantastic autumn weather along the way. Just two weeks after our trip, Venice suffered massive flooding and Rome was hit with a major hail storm, so we are thankful to have missed those condition.
The international group of riders where from Australia, England, Italy, and several places throughout the USA. We were supported by five CCE Italian members, who helped in so many ways. This was a pleasure trip including city tours, historical and cultural aspects, good food, and tons of fun. Rosita, our professional guide, kept us on track with the very helpful Bike GPS app. The ride was supported by a large SAG wagon. Some riders enjoyed the option to ride a train around our biggest climbing day.
This tour was not primarily about the workout, it was all about chilling out and touring this beautiful country. Every day, Rosita treated us to a cultural experience. Our signature turtle horns on each bike helped us make quite a ruckus as we arrived at intersections, all in good fun.
All in all, it was a perfect trip. Thank you Rosita and our Italian companions!