Russia 2013
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange
Travel report
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Travel report
Golden Ring of Russia, 2013
by Jim and Janet Starr
About twenty friends from all over the world, including Australia, Canada, China, Italy, Turkey, and the USA gathered for Vlad Filipov's tour of the Golden Ring of Russia in August, 2013.
Vlad and his experienced crew led us through the countryside north of Moscow, along the Volga, and through beautiful open landscapes with some of the clearest air we have seen anywhere. We enjoyed the historic architecture, music, food, and demonstrations of traditional lifestyle and vocations with timely stops at many points of interest and spectacular sights.
In the evenings, we tasted new and familiar foods, traded stories and learned history from new perspectives. What a great experience and opportunity to bond with people and see the real Russia. Thank you Vlad and friends!